Monday, October 17, 2016

Amanda & Mandy

"Tails" of Amanda and Mandy
& Felicity

At the very bottom are random pictures of Amanda's family and the two Dachshund mixes that made me fall in love with Dachshunds, Peaches and Sugar Plum.

Here is the link to the new dog only blog, Sugar Plum's Place.
I'm copying this over to the other blog and will eventually add everyone. the .com is I've had that .com for 14 years, used to use it for my website where I made all kinds of custom dog treat jars and everything for the house that I could put a had a dog on.

February 18, 2017
We know for sure this morning that Amanda's kidneys are failing. In fact, probably they have been slowing down for a few years and especially the last year. I'm so sad, I'm going to miss her so much. At least she did get to make it to over 15 and one month.

January 15, 2017
Amanda made it to 15! 
Mandy is 5 months old today!

Amanda had kind of a setback yesterday afternoon, don't know if she had a minor stroke or just twisted her ankle. ETA: I think it is arthritis. I know I won't have her much longer, she has outlived all her litter mates and parents, as far as we know, she is the last of her mom's children still alive.

Settling into one of her Christmas presents, the Dachshund Cave! Stupid tag said "Kitty Cave" but Amanda knows different! She loves it. Hard to get a picture of her awake in it, the moment I put her in it, it is nap time. The grey penguin blanket is her other Christmas present.

Amanda and Mandy just before midnight, waiting until the birthday hour!

 A midnight birthday breakfast of her favorite, chicken and rice, heavy on the chicken! She has lots of doggy dishes but lately, it seems easier for her to eat off a small plate.

Mandy of 5 month old birthday morning while Amanda is still sleeping.

January 1, 2017

Chillin with Jeff on New Year's Day

Mandy meeting sister ShortGo and Dad for the first time in a long time.

December 23?
Taking Amanda, Mandy & Felicity for a walk in the new stroller that was Amanda's and Mandy's and my Christmas present. Of course, Mandy was my birthday AND Christmas present! As you can tell, Felicity wonders why SHE isn't riding!!!

Shopping at the Humane Society Resale Shop in the new ride! Amanda is trying to get some rest while Mandy looks out to see if there are any people around that want to pet her!

December 15 2016

Amanda and Mandy's new sister, 6 year old Felicity Pecos. She was called Pecos but I think she looks like a Felicity. That was the name I hoped to name Mandy but it just did NOT fit. She answers to both Felicity and Pecos. Heck, the other two have several nicknames, she needs extra names too!

Felicity is much bigger than them and very overweight. Trying to get her weight down but boy, can she find food...

Mandy vs the Doberman
Ruidoso Downs Post Office December 8
I'd just gotten back in the van with the mail, 4 Christmas cards from my scrapbooking messageboard and incidentally, an eBay order that had TWO dog clothing patterns with x small included in the sizes. She is xx small but I can make that fit easier than cutting down two sizes from small. The SUV with the Doberman had pulled in just before I got back in the van, he suddenly noticed Amanda and Mandy just as I settled in the drivers seat. He barked. Mandy was how DARE anyone bark at US. I grabbed my phone, got it turning on and hoping this would still be going on by the time I could get a picture. I missed some good ones but got a few.

 What? How DARE you bark at ME!

 Well, where are you?

 Big CHICKEN got scared and is hiding in his SUV!!!

 Well, is he coming out?

Big Chicken!

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Mandy's first snow, Monday, November 28

Saturday, November 19, 2016
 Taking a power nap on Michel's old bed and blanket

 Hmmm, well, maybe AMANDA is the only one sleeping.
I think I'm all rested up.

 You think maybe it is time for some action?

 Huh? Maybe?

 Maybe I'd better lay back down before she gets suspicious of my intentions.


Cowabunga! Caught her by surprise!

 This is my play, I'm NOT really fighting pose! Wonder if she is buying that?
 Friday, November 11

Mandy visiting her brother Jet & his new brother Baxter at the "office". Mandy has the red halter on. Jet had just had his rabies shots earlier that day and wasn't quite up to as much playing.

 Typical dog greeting... but this picture lets you compare their sizes.

November 8 - Amanda in her hockey shirt

November 6
I'm over 4 pounds!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Look at that tongue!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Cuddling October 16

Saturday, October 15, 2016 
Amanda is 14 years and 9 months old
Mandy is 2 months old

Investigating the park trash can

Jeff and Mandy playing with my tablet case

Lincoln County Cowboy Symposium October 7, 8 & 9.

October 9, 2016, listening to the music

Weigh in on October 10, 2016

Saturday, November 26, 2016
Mandy weighs 5 pounds and 0.2 ounces!

Wednesday, November 23
Mandy usually fights when I put her sweater on but it was COLD out so Jeff was going to put her sweater on for her. She snatched it from him and jumped down and ran to me with her sweater. I picked her and the sweater up and she did NOT fight me. She finally figured out why Amanda now loves sweaters. Took her out in the 20 degree weather and she was much happier.

Saturday night, Oct 15, I took Mandy out to potty. One of the dogs in the yard behind out house, now mind you, we are in OUR front yard... dog is barking, Mandy tucks her tail between her legs and RUNS to the front porch. She is NOT staying in the yard with that dog barking. I try it twice and she is too upset by the barking to do her business. Take her in the house, try again later, dog is STILL barking. Finally, the third time I take her out, the dog has stopped and she happily does her potty chores.

Sunday night, I take Amanda and Mandy out just before we head to bed. Amanda is doing business, Mandy is zipping back and forth in the front yard in front of the porch and under the apple tree like an out of control wind up toy! :) Just running flat out, how can she run SO fast with such short little legs! I'm thinking that it won't take much playing with her rope toy to wear her out so she'll sleep well! :)

Monday night, Amanda is curled up after eating supper, Mandy is antsy so I figure it is potty time, open the door, she RACES down the hall, through the kitchen and living room. I can't see how she can run so fast on such short legs. Normally, I've been having to carry her outside even with Amanda in the lead.  She has just started following Amanda when we are going out to potty. Now, all by herself, she is racing to the door and I mean RACING! She did the zip back and forth before doing business. Not as much as last night but using up plenty of energy.

Random for now, thoughts for Mandy's album
I made a stroller out of a shopping cart, one with a bag and two little wheels. I bought several on clearance at Walmart ($4.50 each) in late Spring just as I was starting doing the Farmers/Artisans Market to carry a lot of my merchandise.

Flipped the cart bag backwards and attached one of the Outward Hound doggy seats in the front. I got one at the Humane Society Thrift Shop and one at a yard sale in the past couple of years. Worked great and they traveled around the Cowboy Symposium in style. This is all outdoors and in a huge tent and quite a few dogs were there. We were fortunate to have won tickets from the radio station for Friday, went Saturday morning to volunteer at the Kids Rodeo, Jeff (DH) has been doing this for at least 7 years and then Sunday is free.

But it did cost me because I was able to get my years supply of leather related stuff at the Tandy Leather booth! No shipping, no taxes and half price or less so it is a good deal for me. My sister and I did leather tooling and crafts when we were teenagers and I've been trying to get back into it for several years. Every year, i buy more tools, etc and finally this last year, I've been practicing. I can cut the thin tooling leather with my steel rule dies and made Mandy a leather ID tag with phone number. I'm planning to make some to sell at the Farmers/Artisans Market, post it on our Facebook group to get orders. Plus, I can personalize them there.

Amanda is eating SO much better, Jeff mentioned last night that I was sure right, that if nothing else, the puppy will make Amanda eat out of spite! :) She is NOT going to let that puppy eat food out of HER dish so she eats it herself!

Sunday, October 23, 2016
Mandy had a playtime with her sister ShowGo today. Mandy is too rough in her playing. I should have taken my camera.

Dogs I've loved

Peaches, the one that started it all, the short legged, long body and long nose craze. Found her on the side of the road just about a mile from my grandparents in Louisiana, playing with a coke bottle, across the street from a peach orchard. She was about 7 weeks old, covered with fleas and a few ticks. Took one look in those eyes and fell in love. Two weeks later, realized she had a lot of weenie dog in her!

A year later, answered an ad for a free half-Dachshund puppy. We had 16 years together, she lived 16 years and 2 months exactly. She got me through a lot of very hard times.


Space for Jody and Jeannie, the Doxador and Chiweenie

Random pictures of Amanda's family, both recent and years ago. 

Amanda's little brother Michel, my special needs baby that defied all odds and lived NINE years longer than the vet gave him. He made it 9  years, 2 months and 10 days. Weighed 6 and a quarter pounds dripping wet but thought he was 10 feet tall. Never met a stranger and loved his mom (me) dearly and I him. He is 5 here.

 All Amanda's family except for Michel, this is after we lost him.
Top step: Davy her brother
Second step: Kita,  not really related but got her at age 3 from the daughter of the friend who gave me Snoopy.
 Third step: Snoopy, Amanda, Michel, Davy & Trouble's dad
Fourth Step: Trouble
Fifth Step: Amanda

 Snoopy & Trouble
 Snoopy & Trouble
 Snoopy, Trouble & Davy

 Trouble and Kita eating eating doggy birthday cake

Davy and Michel with Snoopy on the bottom. 

Top Amanda, clockwise, Trouble, Snoopy, Davy and black & tan Kita.

Picture I'm known for on my scrapbooking message boards.
 The pile of puppies! Davy, Trouble, Snoopy & Michel.

 Davy and Amanda, Davy made it to 14 years and 4 months. These two pictures are just weeks before Davy died on Memorial Day 2016.


 The mom of:
Amanda, Michel, Davy & Trouble and Little Girl who only lived 3 weeks.
Petunia, aka Tunie